Edmar Caie

Edmar Caie
Es de Xativa (Valencia)Registrado el 17-02-2018

1 veces contratado en Cronoshare
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Así es Edmar
I have 20 years English language teaching experience. I am a qualified business English trainer. I have worked in top companies like Audi. I am also a fully qualified primary teacher with an ma in education. I have experience with one to one classes, group classes and telephone classes. I have taught marketing, technical English and may other specialist English classes.
Área de trabajo de Edmar
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Servicios profesionales y freelance: Coaching, Mentoring y PNL
Clases particulares: Clases particulares secundaria (en general)
Clases de idiomas: Inglés | Inglés online | Inglés nativo | Academia de idiomas
Recent experience: I am working as an online Business English trainer for top online language school Learnship. I was in in house language trainer for Mr Jeff, Valencia's top Startup company. I worked for 8 years in the UK in a retail company in sales and administration. I was also a sales and management trainer. I have worked in France and Germany as a business English trainer for Linguarama/Marcus Evans and Audi Akademie.
I am a fully qualified primary school teacher with UK experience. I have taught in international schools in Germany and Spain. I have experience with all age groups, levels and subject matters in english.
BA degree in Public Administration
Graduate trainee programme in primary teaching. Qualified teacher status.
MA degree in Education covering primary, tesol, child development and educational research.
Continual professional development courses at cambridge house community college 2018.
London chamber of commerce and industry business english certificate.
International house certificate in business english.
English native speaker
German intermediate
French intermediate
Spanish a2
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