Erin Porras Palacios Porras Palacios

Erin Porras Palacios Porras Palacios
Es de Movera (Zaragoza)Registrado el 06-06-2021

3 veces contratado en Cronoshare
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Así es Erin Porras Palacios
Work in Bartini Barza, Zuka, Cafe Cafe Restaurants in LarcoMar, Lima as Bartender and Barista ... Etc As well as in Tourist Restaurants In Kitchen, Bar and Customer Service, in Muse Lounge Cusco- Peru. I worked in a Tourist Restaurant in the Center of Lima, La Casa Del Cafe Cafe as Head of Baritas and Representing it in Mistura, on the Costa Verde, Lima- Peru.
Now I Manage my Own Business, About Fast Food to Delivery with Natural Peruvian Aphrodisiac Products in Creations and Mergers. .Variety of Exclusive Dishes.
It is a Restaurant for more than 5 years with experience in epic aphrodisiac and gourmet foods.
Own Creations, Epic among others .... Knowledge Of Gastronomy Kitchen, Study Of Bartender and Head of Barista Working with one of the Best Chef of Peru Virgilio Martinez
Área de trabajo de Erin Porras Palacios
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Limpieza y hogar: Limpieza y empleadas de hogar | Limpieza de viviendas turísticas
Cuidado de personas: Atención de personas enfermas o dependientes | Cuidado de personas mayores | Canguros y niñeras (más 3 años)
Work in Bartini Barza, Zuka, Cafe Cafe Restaurants in LarcoMar, Lima as Bartender and Barista ... Etc As well as in Tourist Restaurants In Kitchen, Bar and Customer Service, in Muse Lounge Cusco- Peru. I worked in a Tourist Restaurant in the Center of Lima, La Casa Del Cafe Cafe as Head of Baritas and Representing it in Mistura, on the Costa Verde, Lima- Peru.
Now I Manage my Own Business, About Fast Food to Delivery with Natural Peruvian Aphrodisiac Products in Creations and Mergers. .Variety of Exclusive Dishes.
It is a Restaurant for more than 5 years with experience in epic aphrodisiac and gourmet foods.
Own Creations, Epic among others .... Knowledge Of Gastronomy Kitchen, Study Of Bartender and Head of Barista Working with one of the Best Chef of Peru Virgilio Martinez
Inglés cocina bar gastronomía barista. ..Eventos
Inglés español
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