


Es de Aldaia (Valencia)

Registrado el 13-07-2024

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Así es Cesarjmh

I offer my capacity as an experienced specialist in the technological services, through monitoring,
Diagnosis, management, delegation and preventive and reactive execution on both the
Fundamental layer infrastructure (bios / firmwares / drivers), as well as the middle layer
Operating systems (utilities / middleware / hypervisors).
I am in a momentum of knowledge and best practices on services for end users in several
Channels: legacy, web and mobile. I have a primary focus on the optimization of resources and on
Diagnostic lead time and resolution of failures on to the physical and logical infrastructure of data
Services, with emphasis on high availability and agree acceptance levels.
I work hand in hand with internal and external suppliers, to provide the greatest availability of
Business critical systems. Participating proactively and in constant updating, on the
Implementation of best service practices.
Preventive and reactive maintenance of different components of the solutions such as the
Authentication and the risk management of transactions based on exchange of log messaging
Between the different operational components.
To protect and to maintain a high level of reliability, traceability, audit and control at the logs of
The transactions at various levels of the business solutions flow.
My personal pattern in any implementation is the search for the balance between functionality
And security of the solution. My strengths are my extensive experience in services, on legacy and
Distributed platforms, servers, virtualization, communications and centralized enterprise storage
Of the most recognized manufacturers such as pure storage, ibm - Red hat, dell-Emc-Compellent,
Brocade, sun, cisco, oracle, sap- Sybase and the open source world.

Área de trabajo de Cesarjmh

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Clases particulares: Clases de Ofimática (Access, Excel, PPT, etc.) | Clases de informática

Servicio técnico informático: Otra ayuda avanzada informática | Reparación y mantenimiento de ordenadores, impresoras, etc. | Administradores de sistemas y redes | Recuperación de datos de discos duros y memorias | Informática forense | Otros servicios técnicos informáticos


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